Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Family Couch

This is a picture of Merrill Rudes his wife, Mary Caroline Leutz. Three of their four children are included. Left to right you have Terrence, sitting on Merrill's lap, Diane, Mary Cary & Merrill.

Timeframe: Judging by the lack of De Ila I am assuming this picture was taken before Fall, 1952. I am guessing sometime in 1951 because Terrence looks to be about three.

Where It Fits: Diane, Merrill, Terrence & De Ila are the children of Merrill Rudes & Mary Caroline Leutz. Merrill is the son of Merrill Rudes & Della Meyer. Mary Cary is the daughter of Leon Leutz & Merle Fritsche.

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