Monday, January 4, 2010

Mystery Monday: Sisters?! Friends?!

This looks like something that would have come out of a photo booth like you see in a mall. They seem to know each other very well and are having a good time.

Timeframe: 1905 - 1907. If you look at the sleeves you will see there is a puff on the top and they are rather closely fitted on the bottom of the arm. That was only popular for a very short time in the 1900's and it was between 1905-1907. My guess is the summer of one of those years since one of the girls has short sleeves on and the white dresses tend to imply warmer months.

Where It Fits: That would be the million dollar question.

This Day In History: Raymond Sandwich Rudes would have turned 114. Today is also Amy's birthday and she turns, well, she is much younger. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!

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