Okay, I find the posing of this rather interesting. Are these cousins posing with a picture of their fathers (in the background)? Is the picture in the background even remotely related or was it just there? What do these five girls have in common? Sisters? Cousins? Friends? Neighbors? Who's house is this in? Judging by the fancy furnishing it appears it would be a parlor and apparently somebody had a Christmas Cactus (look on the far right of the picture).
Timeframe: This is where it gets even more interesting. The dresses aren't the same style but they have some very similar parts. Lets go through this girl by girl. Starting on the right we have girl #1 with a blouse like fullness that overhangs waist at center front, the sleeves have a small ball shape at the top and then tight on the arms, she has a pin on her left shoulder area and the hair is soft and smoother around the face but drawn back which dates her between 1897 & 1900. Girl #2 has a a slight pouched front, high collar to chin, the skirt is smooth at the hips and the hair is slightly wider then girl #1 so she is dated between 1904 & 1907. Girl #3 has the pouched front, high collar to chin, fullness on upper and lower sleeves, the skirt has soft gathers and/or pleats and the hair has a slight width around the face which makes it 1904. Girl #4 has a pouched front, high collar to chin, skirt that is smooth at hips front/sides; flairs from knee down and her hair is soft around the face which dates her to 1901-1903. Girl #5 has a pouched front, high collar to chin, fullness on upper and lower sleeves, soft gathers or pleats in her skirt and hair has a slight width around the face dating her to 1904. So that narrows it down to 1897 - 1907. Not to shabby. There is no photographers imprint.
Where It Fits: Welcome to the million dollar question. I do believe there are some pictures of these same girls, older, in the album that belonged to Merle Fritsche-Leutz but I could be mistaken.
Today In History: Gail Rudes turns 117 today.
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