Uncle Bob identified this picture for me and confirmed the names there were on the back. Even though some of these pictures are labeled I like confirming the identities by some other means just to make sure. It also leaves the door open for stories. :-) This is a picture of Oscar Leutz, Clara Newton Leutz and Ivan Leutz. Clara Newton is the second wife of Oscar Leutz. [For more details check out 'The Wives of Oscar Leutz']
Timeframe: We are starting out with a very narrow timeframe on this one and seeing if we can knock it down a little. Oscar and Clara were married in 1909 (their anniversary would be tomorrow). At the time of their marriage, Ivan was already three. Clara died in the March of 1919 due to complications with pneumonia and influenza, she was pregnant at the time. Thus ended their marriage. So, this picture was taken between January 25, 1909 and March 7, 1919. Since Ivan looks much older then three I am guessing it was taken between 1914 and 1919 making him between eight and twelve. I am leaning closer to the 1914 mark as he looks rather young to be twelve.
Where It Fits: Oscar is the son of Gustav Leutz & Mary Washa. He is the brother of Myrtle, Lorenz, Leon & Berlin. This makes Oscar the uncle of Bethel Madison, Mary Cary Rudes, Robert Leutz, A.J. Leutz, Beetrice Myerholtz & Monabell Garner. Clara is the daughter of Miles Newton and Lorania Stevens. Ivan is the son of Oscar Leutz and Myrtle Long. Oscar was also the father of Grace.
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