Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
Timeframe: Postmarked November 7, 1943.
Where It Fits: Pvt. George W. Taylor is the older brother of Gladys Taylor Schoenfeld. They, along with eleven other children, are the children of Walter Taylor & Martha Matilda Alemedia McMurray. George is the father of Georgia, Terry, Jerri & Vicki. Gladys is the mother of Robert, Bonnie, Thomas & Velma Kay.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
George, Maggie, Della & Baby
I know this picture isn't in the best of condition but I think you can see all the important parts. This is a picture of George & Maggie Meyer, Della Rudes and the baby is believed to be Diane Rudes.
Timeframe: If the baby is in fact Diane then this picture was taken in 1944. Della's husband was already dead so that would explain him not being in the picture. George didn't die until 1946 so it is very possible for this picture to be taken in the Summer of 1944.
Where It Fits: George Meyer & Marguerite Schnackenberg are the parents of Della. Della married Merrill and had a son Merrill. Merrill is the father of Diane.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Maud Bisch
This is a picture taken at Smith Studio in Oak Harbor, Ohio. When I was looking through/reading a book by Mr. Theirwechter I noticed the unique uniforms from the Oak Harbor High School. It looked like something I had seen before so mom and I racked our brains and remembered seeing this picture. Taking a stab in the dark we went back to the book to see if this girl happened to be in the 1916 class picture.
If you look carefully you will be able to spot her in the second row. According to Mr. Thierwechter that would make this girl Maude Bisch. When I looked her up in the family tree I discovered that Maud died in May, 1916 with the cause on her death certificate as "meningitis (streptococcus) & chronic otitis media". She was 17.
Timeframe: Whenever the class pictures were taken for 1916.
Where It Fits: Maud/Maude is the daughter of George Bisch & Louisa Leutz. Louisa Leutz Bisch is the daughter of Johann Frederick Leutz & Louisa Frederica Zink. Louisa's brother was Gustav Leutz.
Sources: Page 174 of "A History of the Oak Harbor Public School and the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District" by George E. Thierwechter.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Wives of Oscar Leutz
"Mr. Oscar Leutz, local mail carrier, and Miss Bertha Woods, were married by Rev. Mr. Kennedy." -- Ottawa County News Democrat, Friday, December 31, 1920According to Uncle Bob, Oscar was only married to Bertha for a very short time. He believes only a couple of days. Bertha would be wife #3. Does anybody know why they were married such a short time? Does anybody know what happened to her? Did they get a divorce or did Bertha die? What's the rest of the story Paul Harvey?
How about any of his other wives? He married Myrtle Long about 1904 and they had Ivan in 1906. I can't find any records regarding her after the birth of her son. I heard a rumor she died in childbirth or shortly there after but like I said I can find nothing.
January 25, 1909 he married Clara I. Newton. They were married for a little over ten years when the flu epidemic hit and Clara died. She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Last but certainly not least came Louise Witt. She had a daughter, Grace, with Oscar in 1924. According to Grandma Mary Cary, Grace once ran through the hospital naked because "that was just Grace". Louise died in 1972 after being a widow for several years.
Where It Fits: Oscar Leutz is the son of Gustav Leutz & Mary Washa. Myrtle Long, parents unknown, DOB unknown, date of death . . . well, you get the picture. Clara Newton was the daughter of Miles Newton & Lorania Stevens. Bertha Woods, yeah, I know as much about her as I do about Myrtle. Louise Witt is the daughter of Albert Witt & Johanna Kalk.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Newton, Marie (Johannsen) and Ernest Merchant
This is a picture of Marie Mathilde Johannsen with her first husband, Newton William Merchant. The younger male in the back ground is one of their children, Sewell.
One of their children?! Yes, one of them. Newton and Marie were married March 30, 1906. The first of their children was Walter, born March 15, 1906. Little Walter died January 19, 1907. Ernest Sewell was born May 20, 1908 and lived until the ripe old age 89. The next child I know of was a little girl, born July 23, 1914. She only lived a few hours and the cause of death is listed as "affixation" [sic].
Timeframe: Newton died in April of 1930. Since Ernest/Sewell was born in 1908 he is no more then 21. That would place this picture taken in the 1920's.
Where It Fits: Marie Johannsen is the daughter of Julius Johannsen & Caroline Japsen. Newton is the son of Bennett Buhr Merchant & Sarah Ann French. Naturally, Ernest/Sewell is the son of Marie Johannsen & Newton Merchant.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Baby Corinne
This image was not only labeled but confirmed by her nephew, Kent Floro. This is "Corinne Fritsche Finken". It was taken at Wrights, 221 Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio or that is what I think the imprint in the bottom right hand corner says. It is a little hard to read but the picture is in mint condition.
Timeframe: Corinne was born in July of 1908 so I believe this picture was taken early 1909.
Where It Fits: Corinne is the daughter of Charles Fritsche & Anna Hall. Charles Fritsche is the older brother of Robert Fritsche. Corinne married Milton Finken and they had Randall.
Corinne Amelia Fritsche Finken,
Friday, December 25, 2009
I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas
A beautiful winter scene from Second Street, Port Clinton, Ohio. If you take a drive you will see the same houses . . . different ice & snow. :-)
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
Or for the Christmas travelers:
I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Night Before Christmas
Above is the title page to a book found at Grandma's house. It has one of my favorite poems "Visit of St. Nicholas". Also found in this thin board book is "The Christmas Grab-Bag", "Annie's and Willie's Prayer", "A Little Boy's Letter to Santa Claus", "Tot and the Turkey Gobbler", "Mildred and the Turkey", "Old Santa Claus" and "Santa Claus's Letter".
Timeframe: "Junior from Santa. Dec. 25 - 1926" so Christmas, 1926. Junior would have been just shy of seven.
How It Fits: Merrill "Junior" Rudes is the son of Merrill Rudes & Della Meyer. Junior is the father of Terry, Merrill, De Ila & Diane.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Four brothers
Today we have John Cornelius, Paul Georg, August Martin and Nelson Ludwig Johannsen. Judging by the background they are at Julius Johannsen & Caroline Japsen's house. Today Nelson would be 115 years old.
Timeframe: There is a very unique stamp on the back that places this picture in 1911. That would put John at roughly 19, Paul at about 11 (although I think he looks older), August at 21 and Nelson is 16.
Where It Fits: John, Paul, August & Nelson are the sons of Julius & Caroline Johannsen. They are the fathers of Norman, Alma, Ervin, Harold, Phyllis & Richard. They are the grandchildren of Wilhelm & Marie (Christiansen) Johannsen and Niels & Maria (Lorenzen) Japsen.
The stamp on the back is the Azo, three triangles pointed up, 1 triangle pointed down.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Diane and Santa
I do believe we all recognize the gentleman on the left. You can call him Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Hagios Nikolaos, Babbo Natale, etc. The little girl on the right might be just as easy to identify for some. For the rest of you the lil' one on St. Nick's lap is Diane Rudes.
Timeframe: The clothing on the gentleman dates from . . . oh, sorry. How about Christmas 1950 or so? DIANE! Any guesses? Anyone at all?
Where It Fits: Diane is the daughter of Merrill Rudes & Mary Caroline Leutz. Nicholas of Myra is the son of unknown parents and is no known relation.
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Christmas Mystery Monday
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Love Story For Christmas
A Love Story For Christmas
I planned for months to write a mini-feature about a very special man. I waited too long and death claimed him just a short time ago. He was an interesting man and a very specially gifted man. He was Lawrence Johannsen born and raised in Port Clinton. His parents were Julius and Caroline Johannsen and they owned a lot of property in the Sixth and Seventh Street areas. They owned a greenhouse and a trucking farm raising and selling every kind of produce.
Lawrence Johannsen worked 42 years his entire career at the Matthews Boat Co. where he was a millwright, ship's carpenter, made patterns needed and then made the part himself. He was a genius with wood and had a love and knowledge about wood. His family said he could copy anything.
He built his own boat "The Baby Blue" and the Johannsen home on Sixth Street is brimming with beautiful things this man made for his beloved wife Velma. One of the outstanding results is their custom built-in bedroom set in walnut. He constantly remodeled or built lovely things for their home.
Lawrence Johannsen worked 42 years his entire career at the Matthews Boat Co. where he was a millwright, ship's carpenter, made patterns needed and then made the part himself. He was a genius with wood and had a love and knowledge about wood. His family said he could copy anything.
He built his own boat "The Baby Blue" and the Johannsen home on Sixth Street is brimming with beautiful things this man made for his beloved wife Velma. One of the outstanding results is their custom built-in bedroom set in walnut. He constantly remodeled or built lovely things for their home.
In past months, Lawrence Johannsen worked hard but joyfully on his Christmas gifts for his family. A special item was marked for each person and wrapped with love. A few weeks ago his wife went to call him to supper and found him in his favorite place, in his boat in the back yard. He had met his appointment with his Maker. He left his gift of Love.
I thought this was such a sweet Christmas story nothing further need be said. From our house to your house a very Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season.
Timeframe: Lorenz/Lawrence died October 30, 1978.
Where It Fits: As stated above Lorenz was the son of Julius Johannsen & Caroline Japsen. He was the father of James & Joyce. 'The Baby Blue' was also known as 'The Kliney Dame' (or however you would spell that).
Saturday, December 19, 2009
George Thierwechter & Florence Hopfinger
On this, what would have been their 91st wedding anniversary, we have a picture of Florence Hopfinger & George Thierwechter. Uncle Bob was kind enough to identify this image when I visited his house. For those of you that don't know, George Thierwechter was the author of several local history books including "A History of the Oak Harbor Public School and the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District". Uncle Bob was nice enough to supply a copy of the above book and it, as well as other books written by Mr. Thierwechter, have been a great help in adding names to my photographs.
Timeframe: Good question. I am not sure how to narrow down this image. They were married in December of 1914 and by the looks of the clothing the picture was taken much later then 1914. Maybe in the 1920's which would place Florence in her 30's.
Where It Fits: Florence Hopfinger is the daughter of August Charles Hopfinger & Marie Godemann. August is the son of Charles Hopfinger & Friederika Richardson. August is the older brother of Caroline Hopfinger Fritsche.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Merrill & Santa
I do believe this is Merrill Rudes on the lap of St. Nick.
Timeframe: Christmas, 1940's/50's. Does anybody know the first year Merrill got coal in his stocking? Guessing by the grasp Santa has on his hand it would have been the same year. :-)
Where It Fits: Merrill is the son of Merrill Rudes & Mary Caroline Leutz.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
George Harlow Rudes
Today we have the senior picture of "Harlow Rudes" as it appears in the 1941 Limelight.
"Viola Clark and Dorothea Long are playing in 'Huck Rudes' All Girl Band'." -- The Class Prophesy
"Harlow Rudes: all his romantic parts in plays to Nowell Baker." -- Senior Will
Today Huck would have been 86.
Timeframe: 1941
Where It Fits: Huck is the son of Merrill Rudes & Della Meyer. He is the father of Amy, Connie, Jacquelyn & Randy.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Leutz Christmas
As you can see this picture is labeled as the "Leutz Sunporch" and was printed in February, 1960. This is the sunporch of Leon Leutz & Merle Fritsche. According to dad this is the big yellow house out on 105.
Timeframe: I assume, again, that this is from Christmas 1959.
Where It Fits: Leon & Merle and the parents of Mary Caroline, Robert & A.J.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christian Fritsche?!
This has been identified as William Fritsche but I think this is Christian Fritsche. Mary Henry has been working on the Fritsche family tree and was nice enough to send me a packet a couple years ago. In the packet was a page that had pictures of Christian & Dorothea Fritsche. The page is below:
The Case for Christian: Comparing the two images I believe that my mystery man is a dead ringer (no pun intended, okay, maybe a little pun) for Christian Fritsche. I believe the "sketch" is close enough that it could have been taken from the photograph above. The man in the first image is older as he is already starting to gray in his hair and beard. This puts him at the correct age for Christian.
The Case for William: Mary Henry believes that it could be William Fritsche. Here is why I don't think it is William. William was born in the Spring of 1877. That would have put him somewhere between 3 & 13 when this picture was taken. Christian's brothers are Gottlick & Karl so unless there is a William Fritsche that is about the age of Christian I strongly disagree with this being William. I must admit that judging by the pictures I have of William he does look a great deal like his father.
So, lets take a poll. Raise your hand of you believe this is Christian? Now those that believe it to be William? Okay, now comment since I can't see your hands. :-)
Timeframe: This was found tucked in a small album. I found a small cover for an album of the same size (but not attached to anything) that has "Robert Fritsche, La Carne, Ottawa Co., Ohio June the 10, 1881" written in the cover. Now there is a lot of intermixing with the pictures so simply because it was between the pages of the album doesn't mean that it belongs in the album. IF the picture does belong in the album and IF it is Christian Fritsche then Christian would be 59, almost 60 in June, 1881. Sixty is a very believable age.
Where It Fits: Christian Fritsche is the father of Mary, Charles, Robert, Johann, Emilie, Ernst, Maria, Edward, Bernard & William. Robert is the father of Merle Fritsche Leutz. Merle is the mother Mary Cary, Robert & A.J.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Johannsen & McMurray
This photograph was identified after a couple phone calls and letters back and forth to Thomas Johannsen. This picture was taken at the McMurray Farm in Hiltons, Virginia near Kingsport, Tennessee. It was taken by Cornelius McMurray in 1949 or so. The woman in the black dress with the white designs is Ethel McMurray Johannsen. Ethel has her hands on the hips of Maggie Kilgore, the wife of Cornelius McMurray. In the back row is Marshall, he is the son of Mattison Dewitt McMurray & Sarah Haven. In front of Marshall is a woman with glasses, that would be Sarah Haven McMurray. The gentleman in the bib overalls is Mattison Dewitt "Witt" McMurray. The man on the far right with his hands on his hips is Thomas Johannsen.
Timeframe: Circa 1949 in Hiltons, Virginia.
Where It Fits: Ethel is the daughter of James & Mary McMurray. Ethel married William N. Johannsen and they had Thomas Johannsen, the man on the far right. Ethel is the sister of Mattison & Cornelius McMurray. Maggie Kilgore is the wife of Cornelius McMurray. Sarah Haven is the wife of Mattison "Witt" McMurray and the mother of Marshall. Cornelius, Ethel and Mattison are some of the siblings of Martha McMurray Taylor. Martha is the mother of Virgie (a.k.a. Velma), William (a.k.a. Bud), Lloyd, George, Gladys, Mary, Charles, Edward, Engle (a.ka. Jack), Lawrence (a.k.a. Dick), Ruth, Norman & Marjorie Taylor.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Merle Rose Fritsche
This was identified by Uncle Bob as his mother, Merle.
Timeframe: The large bow makes it taken roughly 1910. There was a very small time frame where the large bows were popular, if I remember correctly it started in 1908. That would put her at roughly 14 or older.
Where It Fits: Merle Fritsche Leutz is the mother of Robert, A.J. and Mary Cary.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Peter & Ottiellie Japsen
This was identified for me by Margaret (Japsen) Kuhlman. It was taken at Spies, Market Street, Sandusky, Ohio. In this picture is Peter Japsen, his wife Ottiellie and their children Alma, Laura, Caroline, Mary/Marie & Norman.
Timeframe: Since Norman is the little tyke in the dress and he was born February, 1907 and he isn't very old at all I am going to say this was taken in 1907. That would make Ottiellie 34 years old, Alma would be 11, Caroline is 5, Laura would be nine, Peter would be 39 and Mary/Marie at the ripe old age of 2.
Where It Fits: Peter Lorenz Japsen is the son of Niels Carsten Japsen and Maria Ingeline Lorenzsen. Peter is the brother of Caroline Japsen Johannsen and therefore the uncle of William, Marie, Adele, August, John, Nelson, Lilly, Paul & Lorenz Johannsen and Christ, Nicholas, Marie, Christian, Herman & Lillian Christiansen and Freida & Margaret Japsen. Ottiellie is the daughter of Ferdinand & Caroline Laurens and sister to Richard Laurens and Amelia Steffenhager.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Laura Hopfinger Dilldine
This photograph is labeled "Laura Hopfinger Dilldine". I have only one Laura Hopfinger and the ages for Laura Dilldine in the 1920 & 1930 census records line up with the age of Laura Hopfinger so I am assuming they are they same person.
Timeframe: I can find no record whatsoever for a Terry operating in Port Clinton, Ohio. Laura Hopfinger was born in November of 1891. I am guessing this girl is between three and five so taken sometime in 1895 or so.
Where It Fits: Laura Hopfinger is the daughter of Michael Hopfinger & Rosella Tilton. Michael is the brother of Caroline Hopfinger Fritsche. Michael is the uncle of Merle Fritsche Leutz.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
In The Cemetery
This picture is in rather sad shape but I believe all the important parts are intact. I do not know who the woman on the left is but the woman in the middle is Della Meyer Rudes and the woman on the right is Marguerite "Maggie" Schnackenberg Meyer. As far as I can tell they are standing by/near the Meyer's headstone in Clay Township Cemetery. What they are doing or why is unclear.
Timeframe: Since the husband of Maggie died in 1946 and I do believe that is his headstone on the right side of the image it would be after 1946. Since Della and Maggie are both alive and appear to be in good shape and Della went in the nursing home about August of 1961, I assume it was taken between August, 1946 & August, 1961.
Where It Fits: Marguerite is the daughter of Johann Schnackenberg & Christina Koster. Della is the daughter of Marguerite Schnackenberg & George Meyer. Marguerite is the grandmother and Della is the mother of Merrill & George Rudes.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Frederick & Frederica Leutz
This picture is brought to you by Uncle Bob. It was taken by Jacob Hoover of Oak Harbor, Ohio. If I look him up in 'Ohio Photographers: 1839-1900' it says:
Hoover, JacobThat would put Johann Fredrick Leutz at 54 or 55 and Louisa Frederica Zink at 55 or 56. Very possible if you ask me.
Oak Harbor, 1881-1882
Timeframe: 1881 & 1882, somewhere in that general area.
Where It Fits: Johann & Louisa are the parents of Gustav, Charles, Louisa & Clara. They are the grandparents of Oscar, Myrtle, Lorenz, Leon, Berlin, Clara, Edward, Emery, William, Edith, Esther and Fred Leutz & Omah, Homer, William, Ada, Luella, Maud and Clara Bisch.
Monday, December 7, 2009
1922 Genoa Baseball Team
This came to me framed and moderately labeled. As you can see there are not names for all of the players but it does say the team is from 1922. Does anybody know any other players from the 1922 team?
Timeframe: 1922, baseball season. Somewhere between basketball season & football season. The four seasons are basketball, baseball, football and hockey right?
Where It Fits: Merrill Rudes is the son of Carlos and Lilly Rudes and the father of Merrill "Junior" & George Rudes. Merrill is the father of De Ila, Diane, Merrill & Terry.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Julius Johannsen & Caroline Japsen
This is Julius & Caroline (Japsen) Johannsen. Both were born in Germany. Julius came to the United States in January of 1871 with his parents and younger brother. In 1883 Julius went home for a visit and returned with Caroline and her mother, Maria. After arriving in Port Clinton Caroline wasn't so sure she wanted to marry Julius so he arranged for Maria & Caroline to stay in the hotel. After Caroline "dated" around a little, including entertaining Mr. Magruder for a while, she decided Julius was the one and they were married October 30, 1884. At least that is how the story goes. Whatever happened before the marriage the couple had nine children and 18 or so grandchildren.
Timeframe: On or about October 30, 1884.
Where It Fits: Julius and Caroline are the parents of William, Marie, Adele, August, John, Nelson, Lilly, Paul & Lorenz. Lorenz is the father of James & Joyce.
Caroline Japsen Johannsen,
Julius Johannsen,
Saturday, December 5, 2009
John Robert Fritsche
Today we have another picture from the Hoover Studio. Jacob Hoover ran a studio in Oak Harbor from 1881-1882 but since the first name of the photographer isn't on here I assume it is the same one. According to the back of the picture this is "John Robert Fritsche". That would place J.R. at about 18 or 19.
Timeframe: Possibly 1881 or 1882.
Where It Fits: John Robert/Robert John Fritsche is the father of Merle Fritsche Leutz. He is the grandfather of AJ, Mary Cary & Robert.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Lorenz Johannsen & Velma Taylor
This is the wedding picture of Velma Taylor and Lorenz Johannsen. Tony & Nellie Patz went with the couple out of state to get married. I have been unable to find any marriage license so I am unsure of where they were married although today is their anniversary.
Timeframe: December 4th sometime in the 1920's.
Where It Fits: Lorenz and Velma are the parents of James & Joyce.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kuhnely or Kuhnle?
Okay, this picture is labeled, sorta. On the back is says "Kuhnely". I don't know if that is a first name, last name, middle name or nick name. When I ran a search in my family tree program I did find a "Kuhnle". Specifically Anna Nissen Kuhnle. Anna was born in 1855 and came to America about 1869. Since Newton operated in Port Clinton from 1885 - 1889 she would have been in her early 30's, a very possible age for this woman. So, is this Anna Kuhnle?
Timeframe: Rather specific to 1885-1889. Not a horrid gap all things considered.
Where It Fits: Anna Nissen Kuhnle is the sister of Morris/Maurice/Moritz Nissen. Morris Nissen married Clara Hopfinger. Clara is the daughter of Charles Hopfinger & Friederika Richardson. Clara is the sister of Caroline Hopfinger Fritsche.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The "Rudes" Women. Three generations of them to be exact. Actually, only the baby was born a Rudes but that doesn't count does it? On the left we have Mary Cary Leutz, she married Merrill Rudes. Merrill is the son of the woman on the right, Della Meyer. In the middle is Merrill & Mary's daughter, Diane.
Timeframe: Judging by Diane's age I would say somewhere in the winter of 1944/1945.
Where it Fits: Della Meyer is the daughter of George Meyer and Marguerite Schnackenberg. Mary Caroline is the daughter of Leon Leutz & Merle Fritsche. As I said above, Diane is the daugher of Merrill Rudes & Mary Caroline Leutz.
Della Meyer Rudes,
Mary Caroline Leutz Rudes,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
**UPDATE** The Little Brown Box
UPDATE: Picture #5 in this post has been identified by Laurie Dangler. Clarence Frederick & Lillian Bringe are on the left side of the picture. Della (Meyer) Rudes is the woman on the right. Thank you Laurie.
Today the post comes from a little brown box. On the top of what feels like glorified cardboard is a pewter image. There are three pictures tied together with a ribbon that says "Nurnboro". The images appear to be a church, a crest and a castle. Inside you'll find some photographs and news paper clippings. Of the eight photographs I do believe six are from George Rudes' wedding to Marian Bringe. At least that was my guess from the one picture of a woman getting riced within an inch of her life.
Now, for the mystery part. There were two pictures in the box that I couldn't identify. One was another wedding photograph. On the back I can't make out the first word but the rest is:
Today the post comes from a little brown box. On the top of what feels like glorified cardboard is a pewter image. There are three pictures tied together with a ribbon that says "Nurnboro". The images appear to be a church, a crest and a castle. Inside you'll find some photographs and news paper clippings. Of the eight photographs I do believe six are from George Rudes' wedding to Marian Bringe. At least that was my guess from the one picture of a woman getting riced within an inch of her life.
The rest of the pictures strike me as the classic wedding poses.
I am assuming the couple on the left are Marian's parents and the woman on the right is Della (Meyer) Rudes. Can anybody confirm Mr. & Mrs. Bringe? Or maybe have names for the maid/matron of honor & best man?
The couple on the left is Frederick & Lillian Bringe.
The couple on the left is Frederick & Lillian Bringe.
Now, for the mystery part. There were two pictures in the box that I couldn't identify. One was another wedding photograph. On the back I can't make out the first word but the rest is:
Bristol England
Bristol England
The second is a picture of a house. The back says "The Haar House formerly The Druyer Home We just bought." There is a stamp on the back that says it is a Gross Process print from The Gross Photo Supply Co. in Toledo, Ohio.
I assume this box belonged to a member of the Meyer family because the clippings in the box include four obituaries for Augusta R. Meyer, an obituary for George H. Meyer, an obituary for Carole Ann Elwell (age four), a notice in The Ottawa County Exponent announcing Della Rudes selling something to Gailen R. Drummond and a clip announcing Clay Center is dedicating their new street lights. (Maggie Meyer was being honored at the dedication as one of the oldest citizens at 81.)
Timeframe: 1944 and 1945 for the weddings. I assume the house was purchased in the same general time frame.
Where It Fits: George Rudes is the son of Merrill Sr. & Della (Meyer) Rudes. He is the brother of Merrill B. Rudes. Clarence & Lillian Bringe are the parents of Marian (Bringe) Rudes.
I assume this box belonged to a member of the Meyer family because the clippings in the box include four obituaries for Augusta R. Meyer, an obituary for George H. Meyer, an obituary for Carole Ann Elwell (age four), a notice in The Ottawa County Exponent announcing Della Rudes selling something to Gailen R. Drummond and a clip announcing Clay Center is dedicating their new street lights. (Maggie Meyer was being honored at the dedication as one of the oldest citizens at 81.)
Timeframe: 1944 and 1945 for the weddings. I assume the house was purchased in the same general time frame.
Where It Fits: George Rudes is the son of Merrill Sr. & Della (Meyer) Rudes. He is the brother of Merrill B. Rudes. Clarence & Lillian Bringe are the parents of Marian (Bringe) Rudes.
Della Meyer Rudes,
George Rudes,
Marian Bringe Rudes,
**UPDATE** Rudes Babies
UPDATE: Laurie Dangler has confirmed the identity of the second baby. It is her grandfather, George Rudes, in his baptism gown. Thank you Laurie!
There were two babies on a double matting. The one on the left is printed on a post card. This was a very popular occurrence and I believe it would have been a very handy idea. The pictures are thicker and tend to hold up better and it also gives me "postage". Even if it wasn't mailed and/or didn't have a stamp on it you can use the "place stamp here" symbols to figure out about how old it is. Very handy for me.
On the back of this photograph/postcard it says "Junior Rudes, 4 ms old". The stamp on the back dates it between 1910 & 1930. If this is Merrill Rudes it would have been taken in April/May, 1920 so the stamp fits. (Although with that range it would be hard to miss.)
This brings us to baby #2. On the right hand side was another picture. There are no labels on this photograph but since it was literally attached to the first one I assume it is also a Rudes baby. Is it a picture of George or is it Merrill a couple months older?
Timeframe: The first picture would be in about May 1920. The second picture, if it is Merrill, would also be taken in the 1920's because he appears to be sitting independently and he is wearing shoes that do not appear to be scuffed from crawling and/or walking which would put him under a year. If the second picture is of George it would have been taken in 1924.
How It Fits: Merrill & George are the sons of Merrill Rudes & Della Meyer. They are the fathers of Diane, Merrill, Terry, De Ila, Randy, Jackie, Connie & Amy.
There were two babies on a double matting. The one on the left is printed on a post card. This was a very popular occurrence and I believe it would have been a very handy idea. The pictures are thicker and tend to hold up better and it also gives me "postage". Even if it wasn't mailed and/or didn't have a stamp on it you can use the "place stamp here" symbols to figure out about how old it is. Very handy for me.
On the back of this photograph/postcard it says "Junior Rudes, 4 ms old". The stamp on the back dates it between 1910 & 1930. If this is Merrill Rudes it would have been taken in April/May, 1920 so the stamp fits. (Although with that range it would be hard to miss.)
This brings us to baby #2. On the right hand side was another picture. There are no labels on this photograph but since it was literally attached to the first one I assume it is also a Rudes baby. Is it a picture of George or is it Merrill a couple months older?
Timeframe: The first picture would be in about May 1920. The second picture, if it is Merrill, would also be taken in the 1920's because he appears to be sitting independently and he is wearing shoes that do not appear to be scuffed from crawling and/or walking which would put him under a year. If the second picture is of George it would have been taken in 1924.
How It Fits: Merrill & George are the sons of Merrill Rudes & Della Meyer. They are the fathers of Diane, Merrill, Terry, De Ila, Randy, Jackie, Connie & Amy.
George Rudes,
Merrill B. Rudes,
Berlin Leutz & Family
Today we have a picture of Berlin Leutz, his wife Lilly and their oldest daughter Beetrice. I do not know the name of the bear. This picture was taken at Smith Studio in Oak Harbor and identified twice. Somebody had labeled the back of my photograph but Uncle Bob also loaned me a copy when he supplied me with his old photographs, for all of which he gave me names. Today would have been Berlin's 116th birthday.
Timeframe: Beetrice was born in June, 1912. It was taken before January, 1918 because Monabell isn't in the picture. Judging by the dress Lilly is wearing it was taken after 1914. Since Beetrice looks older than 2 that isn't too hard to reason. I am guessing that Beetrice is three or four so about 1916 would be reasonable.
Where it Fits: Berlin Leutz is the son of Gustav Leutz & Mary Washa. He is the brother of Leon Leutz. Berlin is the father of Beetrice & Monabell. Berlin married Lilly, the daughter of Fred Scholt & Mary Woodrich in Michigan in October, 1911.
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