This picture is actually from the collection of my grandmother, not my great grandmother. This picture was identified by her as her father, Lorenz/Lawrence Johannsen. The woman is his grandmother, Marie Christiansen Johannsen.
Timeframe: The photographers imprint on the bottom says it was taken by Andrews in Port Clinton, Ohio. According to the obituary of C. E. Andrews, he operated between 1896 & 1920. Lorenz was born in September of 1902. He looks to be about four so I assume this was taken about 1906 or so. It was no doubt taken before 1911 as Marie died that summer in one of the worst heat waves known at the time.
Where It Fits: Marie is the oldest daughter of Redlef Christiansen & Gude Boysen. Marie married Wilhelm Johannsen and together they had two sons, Julius & August. Julius is the father of Lorenz/Lawrence. Lorenz in turn married Velma Taylor and has two children, James & Joyce.
Sources: The obituary of C. E. Andrews
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