This has been identified as William Fritsche but I think this is Christian Fritsche. Mary Henry has been working on the Fritsche family tree and was nice enough to send me a packet a couple years ago. In the packet was a page that had pictures of Christian & Dorothea Fritsche. The page is below:

The Case for Christian: Comparing the two images I believe that my mystery man is a dead ringer (no pun intended, okay, maybe a little pun) for Christian Fritsche. I believe the "sketch" is close enough that it could have been taken from the photograph above. The man in the first image is older as he is already starting to gray in his hair and beard. This puts him at the correct age for Christian.
The Case for William: Mary Henry believes that it could be William Fritsche. Here is why I don't think it is William. William was born in the Spring of 1877. That would have put him somewhere between 3 & 13 when this picture was taken. Christian's brothers are Gottlick & Karl so unless there is a William Fritsche that is about the age of Christian I strongly disagree with this being William. I must admit that judging by the pictures I have of William he does look a great deal like his father.
So, lets take a poll. Raise your hand of you believe this is Christian? Now those that believe it to be William? Okay, now comment since I can't see your hands. :-)
Timeframe: This was found tucked in a small album. I found a small cover for an album of the same size (but not attached to anything) that has "Robert Fritsche, La Carne, Ottawa Co., Ohio June the 10, 1881" written in the cover. Now there is a lot of intermixing with the pictures so simply because it was between the pages of the album doesn't mean that it belongs in the album. IF the picture does belong in the album and IF it is Christian Fritsche then Christian would be 59, almost 60 in June, 1881. Sixty is a very believable age.
Where It Fits: Christian Fritsche is the father of Mary, Charles, Robert, Johann, Emilie, Ernst, Maria, Edward, Bernard & William. Robert is the father of Merle Fritsche Leutz. Merle is the mother Mary Cary, Robert & A.J.