This is a picture of the Rev. A. Oscar Gallenkamp. How do I know? I was reading a local history book at the library and low and behold there was this same image in print, identified and complete with a biography. Reverend Gallenkamp served St. John's Lutheran Church from 1895 to 1898. During the leadership of Rev. Gallenkamp the church grew to such a size that they had to move into a larger building. The church was sold and the building was moved to the corner of West Third Street & Harrison Street. It later served as the West End Grocery. In 1897 they developed the plans for the current church on Adams Street. It included a full basement, steeple and pipe organ. The new church was dedicated in February, 1898. The cornerstone is inscribed with "1897 Deutsche Evangelische St. John Kirche." During the time Rev. Gallenkamp was serving St. John's there were several controversies over pastor selection procedures and membership in social orders. The controversies caused a split in the church and the creation of Peace Lutheran Church. Rev. Gallenkamp accepted a new call in late 1898 and the new pastor started having services once a month in English, which is note worthy because to that point services were still in German.
Timeframe: I am unsure. There is nothing you can date the clothing by. While he was a pastor in Port Clinton from 1895 to 1898 this photograph was taken in Utica, New York. I can find nothing on him from New York so I don't know why or when he was in Utica.
Where It Fits: I haven't a clue. Since a number of the Johannsen & Japsen families attended St. John's I can only assume it is a picture of their friend and/or pastor and he isn't related. This just adds to some of the mystery of these pictures. Not only do I need to research family members but there is always the possibility that the subject isn't related at all and is simply a friend or neighbor. If I ever make it all the way back to Noah I will be sure to inform you on the relationship between the families. :-)
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