Today we have a picture that almost needs no identification. One the left we have A.J. In the middle is Mary Cary and on the right we have Robert.
Timeframe: There is another picture that was taken the same day in the same location that also has Merrill Rudes in it. That leads me to believe this was taken in the late 1930's or very, very early 1940's. In the other picture I see a wedding band on Mary Cary so I assume it was taken after 1941.
Where It Fits: Mary Caroline, Robert & A.J. are the children of Leon Leutz and Merle Fritsche. Mary Caroline married Merrill Rudes and is the mother of Diane, Merrill, Terrence & De Ila. Robert married Olelia Rohda and is the father of John. A.J. married Jeanette Henry and is the father of Sandra & Gary.
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