This picture was identified for me by Uncle Bob. From left to right we have Mary Caroline Leutz, she is wearing the black shoes and striped socks. Behind Mary Cary, with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her knees is Mary Thierwechter. Directly on Mary's left is Jean Thierwechter and the girl in the very front with her legs all askew is Lois Thierwechter.
Timeframe: Mary Cary was born in November, 1917. Mary was born in January, 1917. Jean is a year older than the Mary's and Lois is about four years younger than the Mary's. That puts this picture taken in the 1920's since Lois was born around 1921. I would guess around 1927 or 1928. Judging by the length of the bob's it was late 1920's or early 1930's since it looks like Jean is letting her bob grow a little longer than was popular in the early/mid 1920's.
Where It Fits: August & Caroline Hopfinger were brother and sister. August married Marie Godemann and they had two children, one of which was Florence. Florence married George Thierwechter and they are the parents of Jean, Mary & Lois. Caroline Hopfinger married Robert Fritsche and they are the parents of Merle Fritsche. Merle is the mother of Mary Cary Leutz-Rudes, the girl on the very far left. That would make the girls second cousins and Florence & Merle cousins.
In History: Today Jean turns 94.
1 comment:
When Jean saw this photo she said " Oh My Lord! Look at us!". She has really enjoyed seeing these photos.
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