Sunday, April 25, 2010

Martha McMurray-Taylor

UPDATE:  Lisa Taylor was awesome enough to identify the location of this for us.  In a comment on the original post, she identifies the location as Church Hill, Tennessee in what is now Ruth King's driveway.  Martha was her father's grandmother, her fathers dad was Norman Taylor.  Thank you Lisa!!  

This is a picture of Martha Matilda Alemedia McMurray, the wife of Walter Taylor.

Timeframe: All I know is this was taken before January, 1987. Can anybody else narrow this down a little?

Where It Fits: Martha is the daughter of James McMurray & Mary Blair. She married Walter Taylor and they are the parents of Virgie, William, Lloyd, George, Gladys, Mary, Charles, Edward, Engle, Lawrence, Ruth, Norman & Marjorie.

Todays birthdays are George Avers, Lavina Easterday-Brown, Edward Gates, Mary Lou McRitchie and . . . Martha McMurray-Taylor. Today Martha would have turned 123, she was three months shy of her 100th birthday at the time of her death.


Unknown said...

This was taken in church hill ten in what is now Ruth kings drive away..Martha McMurray is my fathers grandmother my fathers dad was Norman Taylor.

Kathryn said...

Thank you Lisa