Friday, April 9, 2010

Reversed negative

This is identified, yet a mystery. Amazing how that can happen but . . . I can recognize at least two people in this image. Playing the piano would be Mary Cary. The woman singing beside the piano would be her mother, Merle Fritsche. I am assuming the man in the bibs would be Leon but I can't see his face so I can't be positive. Then we have the young man off to the side. Who would he be? It looks like it could be one of Mary's brothers but is it Bob or A.J.? How about Mich?
That would be the back of the photograph. If you click on it you will see a bigger version in a new tab but if you still can't read it the text says:
P.S. - this is an idea for a new arrangement for the furniture - with the piano on the other side of the room & Mich as a left-handed flutist (negative got in backward)
Can anybody tell me who Mich is? Please and thank you! Can the same person or somebody else explain to me how having a reversed negative would make Mich a left handed flutist?

Timeframe: Since Mary Cary is wearing a ring on her left hand I am assuming this was taken after November, 1941. I don't have anything to narrow it down further. Sorry.

Where It Fits: Mary Caroline is the daughter of Leon Leutz and Merle Fritsche. She is the mother of Diane, De Ila, Merrill & Terrence.

Today In History: Today is the birthday of Herman Carroll, Johan Eybsen, Alice Stevens-Kihlken & Richard Monnett.

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