Since today is Thanksgiving I thought I would post an "easy" photograph. According to the back of this photograph it was taken October, 1952. Here is what the back says:
Taken October 21, 1952
Diane broke out with chicken pox that morning. MB's chin was chapped raw and the baby's cheeks were covered with a rash - but powder covered it all.
(Nelda also went to hospital that day - and I took mom to chiropractor at 1 p.m.) What a day
Diane - 8 years
Merrill B. 5 "
Terry 4 "
De Ila 6 weeks 5 days
I am sure we have all had days like that. Here's hoping your Thanksgiving isn't one of them. :-)
Timeframe: October, 1952.
Where it Fits: Diane, Merrill, Terry & De Ila are the children of Merrill B. Rudes & Mary Caroline Leutz. They are the grandchildren of Leon & Merle Leutz and Merrill & Della Rudes.
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